


  • SIDO-ORTEC Conjunction International Congress

    The SIDOORTEC Conjunction International Congress was held in Rome on Nov. 5-7th.
    ( SIDO: Societa Italiana Di Ortodonzia, ORTEC: Tecnici Ortodontisti Italiani)
    I was invited by the congress to be a guest speaker, so I headed to Rome right after the conclusion of the JLOA meeting in Tokyo.

    I want to thank to Mr. Stefano Della Vecchia, Editor of ORTEC, for giving me the great opportunity to speak at this wonderful congress.
    He had been working for one of a Lingual Orthodontists in Rome for many years, and opened his own laboratory office in Rome.
    I do not remember when I met him for the first time, but I am sure that it was more than 10 years ago.
    When the ESLO meeting in Berlin was held on 2002, he had already offered me to hold a laboratory course in Italy; however, I had been prolonged it because of my constant overwork in my practice.
    Whenever I met him, he always offered me to come to Rome, over and over.
    Finally, I decided to accept his invitation.


    Nov. 4th.
    When I arrived at Rome International Airport, I easily found one of Stefano’s friends who had come to Fiumicino just to pick me up.

    In spite of heavy rain, he drove his Audi fast, and later I learned that he was a Rally Driver.

    During my stay in Rome, the congress reserved a room at the Cavalieri Hilton for me.
    Since I am a gold member of Hilton, they upgraded my room without any additional charges, and let me use the Executive Lounge, Spa, Fitness club and Breakfasts for free.

    It was very nice hotel, located in the middle hill, with a whole city view of Rome.

    Nov. 5th.
    Next day, I didn’t have anything scheduled, so I looked around the city.

    Musei Vaticani

    Castel S. Angelo

    I enjoyed a lunch at “Est! Est! Est!”, which is my favorite Italian restaurant, close to Termini.
    After the lunch, I visited the Auditorium to see Dr. Giuseppe Marra, Dr. Federico Dolci and Stefano.
    These two doctors would translate my lecture almost simultaneously.
    I showed them my presentations, and went back to the Cavalieri.

    Nov. 6th.

    This is the venue, Auditorium Parco della Musica.

    The congress was very crowded because SIDO is the biggest one in Italy, similar to JOS meeting in Japan.

    This is the room “Sala Petrassi” that I spoke.
    30 minutes before my turn.

    Taking pictures with “Italian cutes” before my lecture.
    The time allocated for my presentation was the entire morning of the last day, i.e. 9:15 to 12:30.
    I think everyone may think that a 3 hours lecture is quite long, however, it was only 3 hours because there were so many topics that I had to talk about, such as “ Unwelcome Rumor About Lingual treatment”.

    Following my brief introduction, I introduced clinical cases treated with several appliance such as Kurz, Creekmore, Lingual SWA, the first attempt of my original brackets, the most resent Hirobrackets, low teen case treated with Hirobrackets, STb, Incognito, and the case treated without brackets.
    After the clinical cases, I discussed about the situations of Dentists and Orthodontists in Japan, as I wrote in my blog about JLOA meeting.
    Then I explained the laboratory procedure of Hiro technique in detail.
    This is a schema of most resent Hiro technique.
    It is easy to make, not requiring any special tools or equipments.


    Close up of the Hiro technique.
    Because of Fermit’s elasticity, removal of resin cores after cure is quite easy for the current Hiro technique.

    This is a bad example.
    The Core is cut and the shoulders are lost (Red circle).
    It looks quite small difference, however, big difference in clinical use.
    Cores are no longer stable on the teeth.
    Even such small changes spoil the preciseness of Resin cores, and it is clear that if the cores don’t cover the Incisal edges or Occlusal surfaces, the most important parts for bracket placement, they can not provide precise bonding.
    Currently so many “Modified Hiro system” are used around the world, but I am sorry that most of them require quite complicated laboratory works with high cost, just for the purpose of making rebonding possible.
    In my practice, the average frequency of broken brackets is less than 4 times for each patients throughout her/his two years treatment, therefore spending too much time and costs are “A waste” .

    These are well known pictures of Hiro technique but they are modified.
    I have tried all of them but they are quite different from Original one.
    Compared with original cores, a lot of advantages are spoiled, especially for the Blue Core.
    It is made with Band Lok, and is so hard that we can not remove the cores after bonding brackets.
    Thermo-Grue core is thick, not good for crowding cases, and the material is not medical nor dental, .
    During my presentation, one of the congress attendants activated the fire alarm in order to disturb my lecture.
    Fortunately I had no problems for my lecture, and Budda knows who did it.
    After the 15 minutes coffee break, I introduced the movie of bonding procedure.
    For my concluding remarks, I emphasized that the Laboratory works play quite important roles in Lingual Orthodontics.
    We need Dental technicians, and they need us, too.
    Some Lingual Orthodontists recommend bonding brackets directly for easy case, but I never agree with this opinion.
    We must remember why the “Bottomed out” after few years of Lingual’s sensational Debut was happened in the in the States.

    When the congress was over, Stefano took me to a nice Italian restaurant for lunch.
    The owner was his friend, and they made Gnocchi specially just for me.
    It was so nice, and I will never forget the taste.
    The owner was a handsome guy, like a movie star, and I had a quite enjoyable time with Stefano, Giuseppe and Federico.
    After the Lunch, we walked to Piazza della Trinita dei Monti, and we met Dr. Lorenzo Favero and his son incidentally.



    Just before checking out, Stefano came to Hilton with his wife.

    Again I want to thank Stefano, all of my friends, Orthodontists and Dental Technicians who came to my room and listened to my presentations.
    As I said in my presentation, I welcome all of you to visit my office to master the Laboratory procedures of the Hiro technique.
    Please remember that using Hiro technique is free to everyone, and it is not necessary to pay anyone, including myself.
    If you want to come, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    I hope to see you again.

  • Progress in Orthodontics

    最新版の Hiro systemが論文になりました。

    Progress in Orthodontics: 34-45, Vol.9(2), 2008です。


    或いはお電話ください( 0263-54-6622 )。

  • 8th ESLO in Cannes

    European Society of Lingual Orthodontics の Biannual meeting が、7月の3~6日、 France の Cannesで開催されました。 
    長野県の片田舎で開業してはいますが、世界で第一号の World Board of Lingual Orthodonticsを頂戴いたしました。 

    特に舌側矯正においては、Thermo-activated wireの登場や、新しいブラケットの開発、新しい技工技術の開発等により、一昔前の治療と比較すると、同じ結果を得るための難易度、道のりは、全く次元が違います。
    ここまで至るには、世間で舌側矯正はダメだと言われても、決して諦めずに頑張って来られた先生達の尋常でない努力のおかげであることを 私たちは忘れてはなりません。
    そのような事情から、本学会では、世界的に有名な先生方を含めて全ての先生が一律15分間の口演でしたが、私はなんと、土曜日の Alain Fontenelle Honor Lecture 30分間を1人任され、その上に日曜日の President’s Closing Ceremony and Closing Lecture 30分間をも務めさせて頂くという素晴らしい機会を与えて頂きました。
    また、症例展示のコーナーでは、Honorary Case Presentationとして、European Boardに提出した資料を模範展示するよう依頼されましたので、僭越ではございましたが、御指名でございましたので大役を務めさせていただきました。

    会場の Hilton Cannes改め、Palais Stephanieです。
    週末には、なんでも Ministerが宿泊するとのことで、部屋を移動することを強いられた先生が多かったです。


    いよいよ、Alain Fontenelle Honor Lectureの開始です。
    会長の Alain Decker先生が私の紹介をしてくれます。
    後ろにいるのは、前回のVenice meetingの時の会長 Velo先生と セクレタリーの Garino先生です

    え? 緊張したかって?
    Officai languageは英語とフランス語ですが、フランス語など全く話せないので、英語で講演です。(英語も下手くそですが、、。) 

    この Lectureでは、Power Pointによるプレゼンではなく、“Movie”でプレゼンを行いました。
    なぜなら、会場が Cannes、Movie Festivalで有名な地ですから!
    この Movie撮影に際しては、プロに頼んで、患者誘導~歯面清掃~Lingual Bracket装着~wire set~写真撮影~注意事項説明~Brushing指導~発音テスト~患者退室までをノーカットで録画したもので、28分間のMovieです。もちろん、最新の Hiro Systemにて装着を行いました。
    会場にいた日本人の先生から、「これ撮るのに時間かかったんだろうな~」という声が聞こえてきましたが、じつは、この Movieは NGなしの本番一発でした。

    親友 Fernandoも口演しました。
    彼は、新しい Hiro systemの紹介と、新発売の Hiro Bracketsの紹介をしました。

    症例展示のコーナーでは、Honorary case presentationとして、European Boardに提出した資料を展示しました。
    壁際に展示されているのが、Active memberの審査に通過した症例です。
    部屋の真ん中の Island tableが 僕のEBO展示のために特別に用意されたコーナーで、ファイル、模型の他に、模型をスキャン、デジタル変換して展示されていました。
    このブラケットは、今から10余年前、舌側矯正では Kurz Appliance一色であった時代に、発音障害・舌の痛み・Double Over Tieなど様々な問題を解決するために、私があるメーカーに依頼して特注で製作してもらってから、現在もなお使用し続けている物です。

    スペインのUICの教授である Igresia先生で、販売元はMedics XXIです。

    土曜日の夜、恒例の Gala Dinnerです。

    学会が全て終わり、Germain Becker先生と昼食を

    親友の Fernandoとスペインの先生達と一緒に。

    松本歯科大学矯正学講座の影山先生と Ocean terraceの Restaurantで Dinnerを御一緒しました。
    以前から松本歯科大学矯正学講座の先生には、リンガルをやるなら絶対に ESLOに来なきゃダメだと、しつこいほどお誘いしておりましたが、参加された先生はおりませんでしたので、今回、影山先生は松歯大矯正の先生としては初参加でした。新任の山田教授も何度かお誘いしたのですが、お見えにならなくて残念でした。

    世界初の Lingual Board受賞に、たくさんの患者さんからお祝いのメール、お祝いのお言葉を頂きました。 

    患者さんから、受賞のお祝いとして こんな立派なお花や、差し入れを頂きました。
    東京や大阪など、大都会で開業している先生が「世界初のLingual Board受賞」となると、テレビや新聞で話題騒然となるのでしょうが、長野県の片田舎、人口6万人の塩尻市で開業している矯正医が受賞したとなると、「大した事ないで賞」となってしまって、取り立てて話題にもなりませんが、いいんです。そんなことを目的に一生懸命治療しているのではありませんから。


    或いはお電話 0263-54-6622 ください。

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